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加拿大中文電台主辦 "La Difference Time Centre 大偉表行"
之 歲月留聲懷舊金曲歌唱大賽 2024 條款及細則

  1. 前言
    加拿大中文電台歲月留聲懷舊金曲歌唱大賽2024 (以下簡稱「比賽」, 由加拿大中文電台主辦 (以下簡稱「主辦機構」)。
  2. 參加資格
    1. 參賽者不限年齡, 男女均可, 唯十八歲以下者, 於參賽前需由家長或監護人加簽。
    2. 參賽者不能屬於主辦機構之任何僱員。
  3. 參賽程序
    1. 網上報名:參賽者於網上遞交文件, 參賽音樂, 及繳交報名費。
    2. 網上下載表格後, 參賽者必需填妥及簽署參加表格, 電郵報名表格至, 必需連同下列文件:
      1. 參賽者之駕駛執照或護照或有效而附有照片的身份 證明文件副本;
      2. 半身照片一張;
        另, 親自遞交到電台:
      3. 報名費用加幣二十元整
      4. 參賽歌曲之MMO (USB)
    3. 親自遞交填妥及簽署之參加表格, 各文件, 及報名費到電台。
      加拿大中文電台 Fairchild Radio Toronto - 151 Esna Park Drive, Unit26 - 29, Markham, Ontario L3R 3B1
    4. 截止報名日期: 2024年10月22日 (星期二), 下午五點。
  4. 比賽方式
    1. 參賽者可以選擇任何語言懷舊歌曲
    2. 參賽歌曲由大會決定是否符合懷舊金曲主題
    3. 評判團將依下列各項作為對參賽者之評審標準:
      1. 台風
      2. 音質
      3. 音樂感
      4. 技術
  5. 同意聲明
    1. 參賽者必需不受任何合約束縛, 以致不能簽署及履行主辦機構之合約。
    2. 參賽者保證參加表格內所提供有關資料皆屬真實及正確。
    3. 參賽者明白及同意主辦機構有權隨時:
      1. 拒絕任何申請而無需作出任何解釋;
      2. 挑選任何參賽者參加決賽;
      3. 全權決定參賽者數目及所選唱之歌曲;
      4. 廢除參賽者之參賽資格而無需作出任何解釋;
      5. 修改或取消總決賽之日期或地點。
    4. 參賽者並同意:
      1. 主辦機構不用發還並擁有第三段所述之文件;
      2. 對於參賽者之任何損失包括傷亡, 主辦機構無需負任何責任;
      3. 必需服從主辦機構所指定之大會評判團之決定;
      4. 必需參與主辦機構所安排之各項宣傳活動;
      5. 主辦機構有權自行製作有關之錄音及錄影;
      6. 遵守一切申請條件及規則;
      7. 根據參賽者提供的情況及背景, 主辦機構有絕對權決定不堅持及放寬上述任何條件。
  6. 文字
    此報名表格分別以中、英兩項⽂字擬定。若兩版本內容有參差之處, 則以英⽂本為準。
  1. Foreword
    Fairchild Radio Toronto Presents Golden Oldies Singing Contest 2024 (hereinafter called “the Contest”) is organized by Fairchild Radio Toronto (hereinafter called “the Organizer”).
  2. Entry Qualifications
    1. A.There shall be no age limit for the Contestant. The Contestant of the age under 18 must seek Parent's/Guardian's consent prior to entry.
    2. The Contestant is not an employee of the Organizer.
  3. Contesting Procedure
    How to Apply:
    1. Online Submission: The Contestant shall complete the application procedure online by submitting all documents, the MMO and the entry fee.
    2. Download Form and Submit the completed application form together with the following documents to the email address,
      1. i)photocopies of the Contestant’s driver’s license or passport, or other valid photo ID;
      2. a photograph of the Contestant from the waist up; And, submit in person the following to Fairchild
      3. an entry fee of CAD 20.00
      4. the MMO before Oct 22, 2024 (USB).
    3. Submit in Person, bringing all documents mentioned above together with the MMO (USB) and the entry fee at:
      Fairchild Radio Toronto
      151 Esna Park Drive. Unit 26 - 29, Markham, Ontario L3R 3B1
    4. The deadline for application: Oct 22, 2024 (Tuesday), 5:00 pm
  4. Contesting Method
    1. The Contestant can choose any song in any language
    2. The Organizer shall have the right to determine the song's eligibility
    3. The panel of judges will set their adjudicating standards based on the following categories:
      1. showmanship
      2. voice quality
      3. musical sense
      4. technique
  5. Declaration
    1. The Contestant has no legal obligation that would prevent the Contestant's participation in the Contest or compliance with the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth;
    2. The Contestant confirms that the information given in this application form is true & correct. If any of the information given by the Contestant is false, the Organizer reserves its right to disqualify the Contestant without any liability on the Organizer.
    3. The Contestant understands and agrees that the Organizer has the absolute right at any time to:
      1. refuse any application without having to give any explanation;
      2. select any Contestant to enter into the Grand Final;
      3. choose and decide upon the contesting numbers and songs of the Contestant;
      4. disqualify any Contestant from contesting without having to give any explanation;
      5. amend or cancel the dates and venues of all contests
    4. The Contestant further agrees:
      1. that the Organizer needs not return but can retain the documents described in clause (3A) above;
      2. that the Organizer needs not compensate or in any way be responsible for any loss of the Contestant including but not limited to personal fatal injuries;
      3. that the decisions of the Organizer and those of the panel of judges are final and absolute;
      4. to participate in the series of events leading up to the Contest Grand Final, and to abide by, and be bound by the rules and regulations governing the Contest;
      5. that the Organizer shall have the absolute right to arrange video and audio recording production;
      6. to be bound by the terms and regulations listed in this application;
      7. that the Organizer has the right to waive or modify the above qualifications in relation to individual contestant with regard to the information provided by the contestant.
  6. Language
    This text is written in both English and Chinese languages. In case of variance or discrepancies between the two versions, the English version shall prevail